Wade And Dick Biography
If Wade Moore and Dick Penner are remembered by Sun fans, it will not be for SUN-269. The College Kids are primarily remembered for writing the immortal “Ooby Dooby,” brought to fame on Roy Orbison’s first Sun record.
As vocalists, the duo offer an appealing blend, although Dick Penner’s high voice predominates and works against the stereotyped virile Sun style. In fact, both sides of this disk have a minor key sound not typically associated with Sun artists. “Bop Bop Baby” lives up to its name with a solid stop-rhythm and excellent instrumental work. The side is unusual in that it flirts with being in a minor key throughout. Minor key rockers were uncommon on Sun’s or anyone’s release schedule. The guitar work on the first solo is sparkling and nicely complemented by the electric bass. The second solo forsakes minor key magic and borrows liberally from the melody line of “Roll Over Beethoven.”
The flipside, “Don’t Need Your Lovin’ Baby,” is really a solo vehicle for Penner. The guitar work has a distinctive flavor to it, yet it rocks in a solid bluesy groove. Again, there are enough flatted thirds to keep the song’s key signature ambiguous. What is quite clear here is the marvelous interplay between the lead guitar and an unidentified drummer. Not since Jerry Lee and Jimmy Van Eaton has such a rapport been heard on a Sun record. Billboard was also impressed and touted this “wailing minor blues” in its May 27, 1957 review.
Although Penner was back in the Sun studio two months later as a solo act, this is Wade & Dick’s only appearance on record.